Yom Kippur

Clergy face the ark on the bima during Yom Kippur in the Sanctuary

Beginning with the Kol Nidrei and its soul-stirring prayers, the Day of Atonement offers you many options for community prayer and personal reflection.

As with Rosh HaShanah, you’ll find Intergenerational, young professional, preschool, and family services.

Many people in our community find meaning in spending much — if not all — of Yom Kippur day with us at Temple. Our dynamic schedule makes the soul feel good. You can spend your late morning and early afternoon discovering something new about Judaism, sitting for meditation, learning about a pressing social justice issue, and more.

The afternoon also brings a poetry and music hour, Afternoon, Yizkor, and N’ilah services, and an opportunity to break the fast at Temple with your community.

Clergy face the ark on the bima during Yom Kippur in the Sanctuary

2024/5785 Service Schedule

ServiceBuildingTimeClergySermon TitleLocationLivestream
Kol Nidrei
Friday, October 11
NEW! Family serviceJBSC5:00 pmADM, RLS*, SH
Intergenerational serviceTemple7:00 pmSS*, ELF, MBL, SAB, MMWATCH: Standing Up For OurselvesSanctuaryWatch

Intergenerational serviceJBSC7:00 pmADM*, SHWATCH: Worth Passing DownSocial Hall
2239 serviceTemple8:00 pmELF, RLS*Our God of LoveChapel
Yom Kippur
Saturday, October 12
Preschool serviceTemple9:00 amSS, ELF, SH*Chapel
Preschool serviceJBSC9:00 amADM*, RLS, SABSocial Hall
Intergenerational serviceTemple10:30 amSS, ELF*, SHWhat Do We Do With Our Ugly?SanctuaryWatch

Intergenerational serviceJBSC10:30 amADM, RLS*, SABOur God of LoveSocial Hall
Rabbi M. Bruce Lustig Human Relations Study Session: “From Healing to Hope: Pathways to a Better Future”Temple12:30 pmEdlavitch Hall
Study Session: Public Safety and Attainable Housing: “Repairer of Fallen Walls”Temple2:00 pmOchsman Hall
Dick Kaufmann: Young at HeartTemple2:00 pmFreed Youth Wing
Study Session: Israeli Embassy Chat: Israel Post-October 7thTemple2:00 pmEdlavitch Hall
Study Session: Israel Advocacy & SupportTempleALL AFTERNOONHurston Library
Family service, crafted and led by teensTemple2:00 pmRLS and other clergyChapel
Poetry & MusicTemple3:30 pmALLSanctuaryWatch

Afternoon, Yizkor & N'ilahTemple4:00 pmALL, SS/ELF* (Yizkor)SanctuaryWatch

Community Break Fast^TempleAfter N'ilah Service

^Separate ticket required