Tag: Worship Service

Shabbat Morning Service

Posted on July 24, 2020

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bowl of hamantashen and purim mask

Shabbat Purim

Posted on July 24, 2020

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challah and shabbat candles

Shabbat Evening Service

Posted on July 24, 2020

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challah and shabbat candles

Shabbat Evening Service

Posted on July 24, 2020

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Silver Seder plate, haggadah, kiddush cup

Shabbat, Yizkor, and Passover Festival Service 

Posted on July 24, 2020

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Mitzvah Day Shabbat

Posted on July 24, 2020

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Shabbat Morning Service

Posted on July 24, 2020

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Shabbat Morning Service

Posted on July 24, 2020

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Shabbat Morning Service

Posted on July 24, 2020

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