Home > Marc J. Scheineson
Marc has been a WHC member for over 30 years. He volunteers at Mitzvah Day and MLK Day of Service, helps with the annual Unity Walk and Freedom Seder, and has been a facilitator for Washington Hebrew’s racial equity and Congregational Conversations.
A member of the Executive Committee of the Anti-Defamation League, Marc served as a deputy chair of ADL’s D.C. regional office, is a member of its National Commission, and served on the board of AIPAC’s Washington Region. He came to D.C. as a staffer for a member of the House Ways & Means Committee. A former FDA Associate Commissioner, Marc is a partner at Alston & Bird, where he is co-head of its FDA practice.
Marc and his family traveled to Israel on a life-changing Congregation trip where his children and his wife all became b’nei mitzvah. WHC has created friendship, balance, and purpose in their busy lives.