Featured Featured September 12, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Rolling Into the New Year JBSC & Temple We’re getting excited and ready for the New Year, with challah, shofars, fun, and friends! Design and bake a round challah (we’ll provide the dough), hear the shofar, and get to know other Religious School and ECC families. This is a great friendship booster and transition-easer for kids and parents as we “roll” into this ...
Featured Featured September 24, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sukkot & Consecration Shabbat Temple 3935 Macomb St. NW, Washington, DC, United States We invite the whole community to celebrate Sukkot and celebrate the newest additions to our Religious School community. At this Shabbat also consecrate our Religious School students who are beginning their Jewish educational journey with a special blessing. Consecration is an important milestone, which our clergy and educators mark with both ritual and fun. Because ...
Featured Featured December 3, 2021 Shabbat Hanukkah Hybrid - Temple 3935 Macomb St. NW, Washington, DC, United States Latke and/or donut lovers, join us for an intergenerational Hanukkah celebration at WHC. We have a slew of ways for you and your family to join us for prayer, food, and fun! There's something for everyone! 5:00—Tot Shabbat˜ 5:30—Hanukkah Activities, Games, Treats, and Dinner˜ 6:00—Torah Study with Rabbi Lustig and Members of the Higher Committee ...