March 26, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am Event Series Shabbat Morning Worship Shabbat Morning Worship Hybrid - Temple 3935 Macomb St. NW, Washington Our Shabbat morning service, led by our rabbis and cantors, often includes the b’nei mitzvah of one of our teens as well as the traditional elements of a Shabbat morning ...
March 26, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Game Night with the LGBTQ+ Group Temple 3935 Macomb St. NW, Washington BOARD GAME NIGHT WITH THE LGBTQ+ GROUP! Join WHC’s LGBTQ+ Affinity Group as we shuffle up some new friendships while playing games, chatting, and getting to know other LGBTQ+ members ...