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Women of WHC Present: Lisa Scottoline


Tuesday October 26, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


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The Women of WHC are thrilled to welcome best-selling author Lisa Scottoline to discuss her new book, Eternal with us over Zoom!



About the Book:

Eter­nal is the cul­mi­na­tion of a life­time of #1 best­seller, Lisa Scot­to­line’s work. She has been research­ing the Ital­ian Holo­caust since her under­grad­u­ate days when she took an inti­mate year-long sem­i­nar at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia led by Philip Roth called ​The Lit­er­a­ture of the Holo­caust.” She was inspired to write about Fas­cism and the Holo­caust in Italy some­day espe­cial­ly as the Ital­ian Holo­caust remains untold in pop­u­lar fiction.

Elis­a­bet­ta, Mar­co, and San­dro grow up as the best of friends despite their dif­fer­ences. Elis­a­bet­ta dreams of becom­ing a nov­el­ist; Mar­co the brash and ath­let­ic son in a fam­i­ly of pro­fes­sion­al cyclists; and San­dro a kind-heart­ed Jew­ish math­e­mat­ics prodi­gy. Their friend­ship blos­soms to love, with both San­dro and Mar­co hop­ing to win Elis­a­bet­ta’s heart.

As anti­semitism takes legal root and World War II erupts, they real­ize Mus­soli­ni was only the begin­ning. The Nazis invade Rome, and with their occu­pa­tion come new atroc­i­ties against the city’s Jews, cul­mi­nat­ing in a final, hor­rif­ic betray­al. Eter­nal is a heart­break­ing sto­ry of both the best and the worst that the world has to offer.

Click here to purchase this book through WHC’s Mitzvah Mall

About the Author:

Lisa Scot­to­line is the New York Times-best­selling author of thir­ty-two nov­els. She has thir­ty mil­lion copies of her books in print in the Unit­ed States and has been pub­lished in thir­ty-five coun­tries. Scot­to­line also writes a week­ly col­umn with her daugh­ter for The Philadel­phia Inquir­er. Lisa has served as Pres­i­dent of Mys­tery Writ­ers of Amer­i­ca and has taught a course she devel­oped, ​Jus­tice in Fic­tion” at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia Law School, her alma mater. She lives in the Philadel­phia area.


This program is presented in partnership with the Jewish Book Council.




Tuesday, October 26


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm




Adult Ed, Lecture, Women of WHC


Lori Wise