Home > Events > Worship > Serenity Shabbat
6:00 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 Kabbalat Shabbat in the Sukkah (Dress Warm!)
As with every Serenity Shabbat, we will begin by welcoming Shabbat with an uplifting musical, contemplative service that consists of singing the Kabbalat Shabbat Psalms.
At this Serenity Shabbat we will be focus on the themes of Sukkot: the blessings, vulnerability, and fragility of life.
This will include an opportunity to engage in creative writing on these themes.
At the conclusion of our Kabbalat Shabbat service, we will have oneg outside around the campfire complete with singing and hot drinks.
If you would like to sponsor a portion of a future Shabbat@WHC or Serenity Shabbat to celebrate a milestone or honor a memory, please contact Margaret Cohen, Director of Philanthropy, at mcohen@whctemple.org.
Friday, October 18
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Shabbat, Worship Service
Becca Rosenblum