Elul, the Hebrew month of reflection before the High Holy Days, culminates with Selichot, when we gather and recite prayers of penitence as a community. The Selichot liturgy contains some of the finest Jewish religious poetry ever composed, and our moving, inspiring candlelit service urges us to reflect on the year that is ending.
With strains of the High Holy Day melodies, our rabbis, and the beautiful voices of Cantor Bortnick and Cantorial Intern Reinstein to guide us, we will utter our first confession of the season, as well as Sh’ma Koleinu, asking God to hear our voices.
6:15 pm Opening reception with heavy hors d’oeurvres
7:00 pm Concert
8:00 pm Service
Dessert reception follows
It is certain to be a special night that will touch all of the senses.
Please check back soon for RSVP information!
This evening is sponsored by the Pollin Music Fund, in loving memory of Abe & Irene.