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Amram Scholar Series Presents: Sharona Hoffman

Aging with a Plan: How a Lit­tle Thought Today Can Vast­ly Improve Your Tomorrow

Sunday May 7, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Hybrid – Temple

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WHC welcomes Sharona Hoffman to wrap up our Amram Scholar Series for 2022-2023 on Sunday, 7 at Temple.

This lecture will also be available by livestream by visiting our streaming page.


About the Book

The book is a con­cise and com­pre­hen­sive resource for peo­ple who are mid­dle-aged and beyond and are fac­ing the prospects of their own aging and of car­ing for elder­ly rel­a­tives — an often over­whelm­ing task for which lit­tle in life pre­pares us. Using an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach and many per­son­al anec­dotes, Sharona Hoff­man devel­ops rec­om­men­da­tions for build­ing sus­tain­able social, legal, med­ical, finan­cial, and oth­er sup­port sys­tems for aging and care­giv­ing. Aging with a Plan com­bines thor­ough research with engag­ing anec­dotes and prac­ti­cal advice. It cov­ers one-stop shop­ping for any­one in need of guid­ance with­out much time for inde­pen­dent research. The book answers ques­tions such as: What legal doc­u­ments should you be sure to have? What expens­es should you antic­i­pate in retire­ment and how do you save for them? What do you need to know about med­ical care as you or your loved ones grow old­er? How should you approach con­ver­sa­tions about the sen­si­tive top­ic of safe dri­ving with elder­ly loved ones? What options exist for end-of-life care, and how do you make sure that your wish­es will be followed?

Click here to purchase this book through WHC’s Mitzvah Mall

About the Author

Sharona Hoff­man is the Edgar A. Hahn Pro­fes­sor of Law, Pro­fes­sor of Bioethics, and Co-Direc­tor of the Law-Med­i­cine Cen­ter at Case West­ern Reserve Uni­ver­si­ty. She has writ­ten over sev­en­ty jour­nal arti­cles and book chap­ters on health law and civ­il rights top­ics as well as two books. She has lec­tured nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly and has made fre­quent appear­ances in the media.

Presented in partnership with the Jewish Book Council and WHC’s Edlavitch Tyser Family Relations Forum.

Amram Scholar Series Presents: Sharona Hoffman

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Sunday, May 7


10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Hybrid – Temple


Adult Ed, Amram, Lecture


Marsha Humphries