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Simchas and Celebrations – May 2024

B'nei Mitzvah Service - Havdalah Ceremony

Congratulations to our WHC members on their recent simchas and celebrations!

Births & Baby Namings

Emily Schneider Torruellas & Brian Torruellas on the birth of their son, Wren Asher Schneider Torruellas. Wren is also the grandson of WHC members Marjorie and Matthew Schneider.

Cantor Emeritus Mikhail Manevich & Ema Manevich on the birth of their grandson, David Levi Sharnoff.

B’nei Mitzvah

Mason Gaines, Charlie Smith, Julianne Haddad, Avery Haseley, and George Redbord on becoming b’nei mitzvah.


Mazel tov! If you have a personal simcha or celebration to share with your WHC family, please let us know!

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