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Simchas and Celebrations – October 29, 2021

Congratulations to our WHC members on their recent simchas and celebrations!

B’nei Mitzvah

Gaia Gross and Gage Bolten on becoming B’nei Mitzvah this past weekend.

Engagements & Weddings

Brian and the late Joanne Barila on the marriage of their son Joseph Barila to Tara Rosenberg.

Grace Tiedmann on her marriage to Will Ferraro. Grace is also the daughter of WHC members Paula and Chad Teidmann.

Jocelyn Cayne on her marriage to Corey Stone. Jocelyn is also the daughter of WHC members Jonathan and Jana Cayne.

Rachel Heimberg and Bryan Oringher on their marriage. Rachel is also the daughter of WHC members Gary and Amy Heimberg and Bryan is the son of WHC members Seth and Laura Oringher.


Mazel tov! If you have a personal simcha or celebration to share with your WHC family, please click here to let us know!