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Women of WHC Present: Darin Strauss

The Queen of Tuesday

Tuesday April 13, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


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Join the Women of WHC on Zoom on April 13 for a discussion with author Darin Strauss, author of The Queen of Tuesday

A novel about Lucille Ball, this book is a hybrid of family memoir, biography, and fiction. A thrilling love story starring Hollywood’s first true media mogul.

This indeli­ble romance begins with a dar­ing con­ceit — that the author’s grand­fa­ther may have had an affair with Lucille Ball. Strauss offers a fresh view of a celebri­ty Amer­i­ca loved more than any oth­er. Lucille Ball — the most pow­er­ful woman in the his­to­ry of Hol­ly­wood — starred in Amer­i­ca’s first big-time inter­ra­cial mar­riage. She owned more movie sets than did any movie stu­dio. And she more or less sin­gle-hand­ed­ly cre­at­ed the mod­ern TV busi­ness. And yet, Lucille’s off-cam­era life was in dis­ar­ray. While act­ing out a hap­py mar­riage for mil­lions, in pri­vate she suf­fered. Her part­ner could­n’t stay faith­ful. She strug­gled to man­age her fame with the demands of being a moth­er, a cre­ative genius, an entre­pre­neur, and most of all, a sym­bol. The Queen of Tues­day—Strauss’s fol­low-up to the NBCC-win­ning Half a Life—mix­es fact and fic­tion, mem­oir and nov­el, to imag­ine the provoca­tive sto­ry of a woman we thought we knew.

Click here to purchase this book through WHC’s Mitzvah Mall

About the Author:

Darin Strauss is the author of the best­selling nov­els Chang & EngThe Real McCoyMore Than It Hurts You, the NBCC-win­ning mem­oir Half a Life, and a best­selling com­ic-book series Olivia Twist. These have been New York Times Notable Books; and NewsweekLos Ange­les TimesSan Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle, Ama­zon, Chica­go Tri­bune and NPR Best Books of the Year, among oth­ers. The recip­i­ent of a Guggen­heim Fel­low­ship, a Nation­al Book Crit­ics Cir­cle Award, an Amer­i­can Library award, and numer­ous addi­tion­al prizes, Strauss has been trans­lat­ed into four­teen lan­guages and pub­lished in nine­teen coun­tries. He is the Clin­i­cal Pro­fes­sor of Fic­tion in the Grad­u­ate Writ­ing Pro­gram at New York University.

Presented in partnership with the Jewish Book Council.



Tuesday, April 13


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm




Adult Ed, Lecture, Women of WHC