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Membership Renewal: Ensuring the Continuity of Our Community

two parents with their toddler

As a Temple member, your support is the cornerstone of our community. With you, Washington Hebrew can continue to provide enriching experiences and meaningful connections for individuals and families at every age and stage of life. We are honored you’ve chosen Washington Hebrew Congregation as your Jewish community and spiritual home.

Our fiscal year ends on June 30, which means you can expect your Membership Renewal packet for the new fiscal year to arrive in your mailbox and inbox in the coming weeks. It includes your account statement for 2024-2025 and a form to complete that will continue your Temple connection and ensure your membership and benefits continue into the new fiscal year.

Important Updates About Payment Timing & Fees

We are adjusting our renewal process this year, asking members to kindly pay their Temple fees in full or set up automatic monthly payments by August 1. This change will provide WHC with a consistent revenue stream for budgeting and cash flow, enabling us to better serve our community’s needs.

For the first time in five years, your Temple statement will show small increases in Membership Commitment and Security Fees. These were necessary to account for rising costs, support enhancements we made and continue to make following the events of October 7, and maintain the quality of services and facilities that our community deserves. We appreciate your understanding and support.

You can renew your membership by paying your Annual Statement in full or set up automatic monthly payments. Once you’ve completed that, all your Temple benefits — including free High Holy Day passes, discounted Religious School tuition, access to pastoral care from our clergy, complimentary or discounted fees for various Temple programs and events, and more — will be available to you.

When you receive your Membership Renewal package later this month, we encourage you to review the information carefully and complete your renewal form by August 1 to ensure uninterrupted access to your member benefits. By renewing your membership commitment, you not only sustain our community, but you are also investing in our continued growth and vibrancy. We are so grateful for your partnership and are excited for another year of connection, discovery, celebration, learning, celebration, and support together.

Should you have any questions or need assistance with the renewal process, we are here to help! Please don’t hesitate to contact me at or 202-895-6328.

Thank you for being an essential part of our Washington Hebrew community.