Simchas and Celebrations – April 14, 2022

Wedding - socially distanced

Congratulations to our WHC members on their recent simchas and celebrations!

Births & Namings

Ilene Gordon on the birth of her grandson Luke Hart Gordon. Luke is also the great-grandson of WHC members Ron West and Bobby Gordon.

Jacob and Meg Manevich on the birth of their daughter Mila Pearl Manevich. Mila is also the granddaughter of Ema and Cantor Mikhail Manevich.

B’nei Mitzvah

Bethany Korb and Charles Korb, Blake Dworken, Russell Pita, and Miles Lynn on their recent b’nei mitzvah.

Engagements & Weddings

Kara Edman and Eric Weinbaum on their marriage.

Mazel tov! If you have a personal simcha or celebration to share with your WHC family, please click here to let us know!