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Dear WHC Family,
Four months ago, before “virtual connection” entered our daily lexicon, few imagined how open, vibrant, and active our community would remain outside of our physical buildings. Zoom, once so unfamiliar, has given us a platform to share new, innovative programs. And by embracing a different definition of “sacred space,” we found new opportunities to worship and learn, socialize, and support and celebrate each other’s life cycle events. All of this has provided much-welcomed companionship and support during a time of uncertainty.
Guided by our Jewish value of kol Yisrael arevim zeh l’zeh, our shared responsibility for the well-being of one another, we established a Re-Opening Task Force – a group of lay leaders, clergy and staff members, and public health and infectious disease experts who are helping our Congregation navigate the process for re-opening our Washington Hebrew facilities. The Task Force has worked diligently throughout the pandemic and has developed a comprehensive, multi-stage plan to re-open our physical spaces gradually, carefully, and responsibly. The plan takes into account concerns and preferences that more than 500 of you shared through our online High Holy Day survey, and it reflects current local and regional government guidance, scientific information, and public health forecasts.
Looking Ahead to the Fall
Based on the thorough work and guidance of the Re-Opening Task Force, we have decided to continue our focus on virtual interaction and keep our buildings closed into the fall – with one exception. We will open our Rabbi Joseph Weinberg ECC at the Julia Bindeman Suburban Center on Monday, August 31, giving families with young children the option to send them to school at the beautiful, open suburban campus, which is appropriately configured for physical distancing and creating classroom “bubbles.”
We eagerly anticipate the day when we re-open our doors and welcome each of you back to your spiritual home with a warm embrace. Until then, our clergy, educators, and staff are looking at creative ways to offer outdoor experiences safely and will continue to provide a robust array of innovative and exciting online services, programs, and activities. Below is an overview of some of our fall plans at Washington Hebrew Congregation.
Please click here to view the rest of this message which includes plans for High Holy Days, our Fall Programming, Religious School, Early Childhood Centers, Life Cycle Events, and more!