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Simchas and Celebrations – May 2, 2018

We are happy to share recent simchas and celebrations from our WHC members.

Babies & Baby Namings

Niki Mock & Phil Leibovitz celebrated the birth of their granddaughter, Marley Mock DeChiaro.

B’nei Mitzvah

William Kay, the son of Ann & Andrew Kay, became a Bar Mitzvah.

Jordan Pashkoff, the daughter of Dana & Paul Pashkoff, became a Bat Mitzvah.

Jonah Plotkin, the son of Laura & David Plotkin, became a Bar Mitzvah.

Dylan Rosen, the daughter of Janine & Stephen Rosen, became a Bat Mitzvah.


Engagements & Marriages

Barbara & Sandy Silverman celebrated the engagement of their son, Joshua Silverman, to Annie Mathies.

Honors & Awards

Joan Sarah Wexler’s photographs will be on display in Bethesda’s Gallery B art exhibition at during the month of July.

Mazel tov!  If you have a personal simcha or celebration to share with your WHC family, please click here to let us know!