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Simchas and Celebrations – November 29, 2017

We are happy to share recent simchas and celebrations from our WHC members.

Babies & Baby Namings

Kathy & Richard Katz celebrated the naming of their granddaughter, Mirabelle Ward (Mira).

Melissa & Brandon Levitt celebrated the naming of their daughter Parker Levitt (Yochana) — Skylar’s little sister and WHC members Susan & Shay Bilchick’s granddaughter.

Gerdy Trachtman celebrated the birth of her grandson, Jonah Aviv Trachtman (Jonah). Jonah is also the grandson of the late Lester Trachtman.


B’nei Mitzvah

Samuel Cohen, the son of Radha & Zachary Cohen, became a Bar Mitzvah.

Molly Isen, the daughter of Jessica & Michael Isen, became a Bat Mitzvah.



Engagements & Marriages

Jan & Robert Fischer celebrated the marriage of their daughter, Jamie Fischer, and Michael LaCorte.

Nancy & Richard Weiner celebrated the engagement of their daughter, Rachel Weiner, and Adam Paul Levin.

Mazel tov!  If you have a personal simcha or celebration to share with your WHC family, please click here to let us know!