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Simchas and Celebrations – October 18, 2017

We are happy to share recent simchas and celebrations from our WHC members.

Babies & Baby Namings

Vallenie & Joshua Feinblum celebrated the naming of their daughter, Ziva Leigh Feinblum (Batya).

Florence & Peter Hart celebrated the naming of their granddaughter, Abigail Caroline Hart Friedman (Rachel Necha).

Laura & Gary Siegel celebrated the naming of their granddaughter Pauli Joelle Siegel (Peninah Shayna).

Sonja Ralston & Daniel Winik celebrated the birth and naming of their daughter — and Sylvia & Peter Winik’s granddaughter, Zoe Ralston Winik (Chava).

B’nei Mitzvah

Lila Fishman Harris and Adam Fishman Harris, the children of Rebecca Fishman, became B’nei Mitzvah.

Dean Cullen, the son of Marti Cullen and Spencer Cullen, became a Bar Mitzvah.


Engagements & Marriages

Mikal Rozenman & Sebastian Norton were married.


Honors & Awards

Josie Weinberg — daughter of Alyson & Joshua Weinberg, granddaughter of Marcia & the late Rabbi Joseph Weinberg and Susan & Alan Gold, and co-founder of the social action initiative AHA! (Actors’ Helping Alliance) — will portray Anne Frank at a staged reading of The Diary of Anne Frank as part of AHA!’s evening dedicated to fighting hate and discrimination.

Mazel tov!  If you have a personal simcha or celebration to share with your WHC family, please click here to let us know!