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Simchas and Celebrations – April 26, 2017

We are happy to share recent simchas and celebrations from our WHC members.

Babies & Baby Namings

Kara & Cameron Chisholm celebrated the naming of their daughter (and Talia’s little sister), Ava Dawn Chisholm (Adira Meital).

Ethan & Jeffrey Gelber (parents) and Nancy & Rand Gelber (grandparents), celebrated the naming of Sloan Marie Gelber (Sara Miriam).


B’nei Mitzvah

Eleanor Abel, daughter of Julie & David Abel, became a Bat Mitzvah.

Harris Blumberg, son of Shara & Darren Blumberg, became a Bar Mitzvah.

Lauren Lemer, daughter of Stephanie & Keith Lemer, became a Bat Mitzvah.

Engagements & Marriages

Lesley Young & Jonathan Chavkin were married.

Lisa Huang & David Solnick were married.

Mazel tov!  If you have a personal simcha or celebration to share with your WHC family, please click here to let us know!