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The President’s Blog

As Jews, we are reminded time and again of our obligation to, and the benefit of, helping others. Tikkun Olam — Repair the World. It is at the core of who we are as Reform Jews. There is no required way in which we are supposed to accomplish it, but we are implored to do our part. For generations, Washington Hebrew Congregation and its members have actively embraced this charge to repair the world. Institutionally and individually, we continually make a difference.

Every month, Washington Hebrew Congregation offers opportunities for every member — from preschooler to octogenarian and beyond — to engage in tikkun olam in meaningful ways.

December alone features the Winter Warmth service project with Friendship Place and WHC’s Post Confirmands; Sisterhood’s fundraising Boutique and Silent Auction; meal packaging with the WHC Hunger Project; WHECTY’s Dance for a Cause; the RJWECC’s Second Chance Toy Drive; and the Community Issues/Social Action Committee’s monthly meeting. There are also toy drives for children at Sinai Hospital, wishes to grant for Carrie Simon House, and opportunities for Religious School and ECC students to learn the joy of tzedakah.

In addition to WHC-sponsored activities, our members are active in countless external organizations, both Jewish and secular. We serve on boards and serve meals. We raise funds and raise roofs. We share knowledge, experience, and friendship. We give our time, items, clothing, and even blood. Our generosity is also financial, and our support is felt in charities around the corner and around the world.

It is my hope that when you participate in these activities, you recognize that you honor Washington Hebrew Congregation. Each effort, event, and donation places you shoulder to shoulder with a legacy of past and present members who have assisted those in need, championed justice, fought injustice, protected our environment, and promoted the numerous Jewish causes in need of support.

Although I pray for the day when none of these activities is needed, I am grateful that I am part of a congregation filled with members willing and able to do their part each and every day.

This month, when you choose which charitable organizations to support, I hope you include Washington Hebrew Congregation as a beneficiary of your generosity and kindness.

I wish you all a Happy Hanukkah and a 2017 filled with the blessings of health, happiness, and peace.