Every month brings an opportunity for Prime Timers to meet at Temple for lunch and a lecture, performance, or film. Connections are enhanced with day trips to local and regional sites of Judaic, historical, and cultural interest. All trips include travel via deluxe motorcoach and are subsidized by the Stephanie Morris Prime Timers Programming Fund and the Pauline C. Gusdorf Prime Timers Fund.
Look for information and details in the WHC Journal, the Shabbat service brochure, This Week, and in special mailings.
How do I find local transportation if I can’t drive? What home care services exist in our region? How do I get in touch with local Jewish agencies? Answers to these questions and more can be found in the Prime Timers’ “Services & Resources: A Guide for WHC Seniors, Families, and Caregivers.”
Covering everything from emergency numbers to neighborhoods that help residents age in place, “Services & Resources” is a free, comprehensive guide to the resources available to you and your family – regardless of your age.